Exporting movies
Movies must be exported before they can used by other applications. A movie can be exported as a compressed or uncompressed AVI file, or as a numbered sequence of bitmaps.
To export a movie, use File/Movie/Export. The command displays a series of dialogs, as shown below.
- Open Movie: This file dialog allows you to browse for the movie. Select the movie to be exported and press "Open" to continue.
- Save As: This file dialog allows you to specify the name and location of the output file. Select an output file and press "Save" to continue. Note that when you're exporting numbered bitmaps, you still must specify a name and location here; the name is ignored.
- Movie Export: This dialog allows you to configure the export options. Set the options as desired and press "OK" to continue.
- Video Compression: This dialog allows you to choose and configure a compressor. Various options will be available, depending on what codecs you have installed. If you're using external encoding software, uncompressed video typically gives the best results. To export uncompressed video, select "Full Frames (Uncompressed). Otherwise, the best choice is usually "Microsoft Windows Media Video". To configure the compressor, press the "Configure" button. Press "OK" to begin the export. The export may take a while, so a progress bar with a cancel button is displayed.